Monday, February 05, 2007

The Case for The Case for Israel

David Adnesik is going to read and comment as he works through Alan Dershowitz's The Case for Israel. The stated point of comparison is to Norman Finkelstein, which seems to give Dershowitz an advantage from the start. I read The Case for Israel a few years back, and thought it was pretty good (not spectacular), however, I wasn't really in a stage of my intellectual development where I could cast a truly critical eye on it.

Adnesik's thoughts so far? Dershowitz wildly overestimates his own abilities, and his use of courtroom stylistic motifs is obnoxious and unhelpful. That being said, Adnesik appears to be convinced that Dershowitz is at least somewhat openminded, nuanced in argumentation, and does not qualify as a "loon."

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